We are in Nairobi this weekend for some meetings. It is like Heaven compared to where we are located, but we do like Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Nairobi actually has internet service that we can update our blog. Ethiopia is very restrictive and shuts down blogs so we can't even pull it up. So it looks like either we send pictures and updates to Danielle and she does it or it won't get done. We can send her pictures, 2 at a time, but it takes about 30 minutes to scan them in.
We flew into Nairobi on Friday and today we went with the Christensens to an animal park near the city. It is about 80 square miles with any African animal there is, except it doesn't have elephants. We had a guide who drove us through the area while we looked for animals and then took a 100 pictures. We will try to put some on the blog before we leave on Monday.